4.8 Box plots

Box plots are our go to method for quickly visualising summary statistics of a continuous outcome variable (such as life expectancy in the gapminder dataset, Figure 4.15).

Box plots include:

  • the median (middle line in the box)
  • inter-quartile range (IQR, top and bottom parts of the boxes - this is where 50% of your data is)
  • whiskers (the black lines extending to the lowest and highest values that are still within 1.5*IQR)
  • outliers (any observations out with the whiskers)
gapdata2007 %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = continent, y = lifeExp)) +
`geom_boxplot()` - Boxplots of life expectancies within each continent in year 2007.

FIGURE 4.15: geom_boxplot() - Boxplots of life expectancies within each continent in year 2007.